Monday, 1 July 2019

The Magical Money Tree
Reference our last blog on 06.06.2019, herewith some stats to put some flesh on the bones.
As we explained, with the ‘The Great Wealth Transfer’ over the next 30 years, an estimated £5.5 trillion (that’s 12 zeros after the £5.5) is due to be passed between generations in the UK.

Research has confirmed that the majority of those inheriting aged 30 to 60 do not have an Independent Financial Adviser, meaning that they are unlikely to make the most of the tax concessions and investment expertise available to them. This is true across the wealth spectrum, as the table below confirms.
What do you believe is the total value of the inheritance that you yourself will receive from your parents?
Yes, I have a financial adviser
No, I don’t have a financial adviser
Less than £100,000
£100,000 - £250,000
More than £250,000

The implication is clear. Whilst undoubtedly, there will be some instances where beneficiaries take advice, there will be many more where that’s not the case.
Tune in to the next instalment to learn more. In the meantime, we can help. Please visit our website and please feel free to call us on 0113 202 9529.