Monday, 1 July 2019

The Magical Money Tree
Reference our last blog on 06.06.2019, herewith some stats to put some flesh on the bones.
As we explained, with the ‘The Great Wealth Transfer’ over the next 30 years, an estimated £5.5 trillion (that’s 12 zeros after the £5.5) is due to be passed between generations in the UK.

Research has confirmed that the majority of those inheriting aged 30 to 60 do not have an Independent Financial Adviser, meaning that they are unlikely to make the most of the tax concessions and investment expertise available to them. This is true across the wealth spectrum, as the table below confirms.
What do you believe is the total value of the inheritance that you yourself will receive from your parents?
Yes, I have a financial adviser
No, I don’t have a financial adviser
Less than £100,000
£100,000 - £250,000
More than £250,000

The implication is clear. Whilst undoubtedly, there will be some instances where beneficiaries take advice, there will be many more where that’s not the case.
Tune in to the next instalment to learn more. In the meantime, we can help. Please visit our website and please feel free to call us on 0113 202 9529.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

The Magical Money Tree

In the recent past, you may have heard our politicians using this phrase when accusing each other about funding various political promises.
In fact, for many, The Magical Money Tree is much closer to home.

You may also have read about what some commentators are calling ‘The Great Wealth Transfer.’

Over the next 30 years, an estimated £5.5 trillion (that’s 12 zeros after the £5.5) is due to be passed between generations in the UK.
As things stand, the bulk of those transfers will go to beneficiaries who do not have a professional financial adviser. This has profound implications, for those beneficiaries, as regards making the most of their inheritances, both from tax and investment planning perspectives.

Tune in to the next instalment to learn more. In the meantime, we can help. Please visit our website and please feel free to call us on 0113 202 9529.

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Pension Freedom And Choice: Four Years On....

Four years ago, George Osborne introduced pensions freedom and choice, which turned the retirement savings market on its head. Given the pace of change, it is hardly surprising that there would be a number of issues emerging, which eventually would result in regulatory intervention by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Amongst other things, the FCA has found consumers sticking with their existing provider, seemingly unwilling, or more likely, not knowing that they can switch their provider, in order to obtain better results. Weak competitive pressure and low levels of engagement with independent advisers are particularly acute in the non-advised Drawdown market and the regulator is rightly focussing on a package of measures to help address this.

To illustrate the point, 94% of consumers who access their pension pots without taking financial advice accept the Drawdown option offered by their existing pension provider, compared to only 35% of advised customers*. This illustrates the huge potential benefits people can receive from seeking independent advice.

Come to the experts – or visit our website or telephone us on 0113 202 9529.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Call To Action Before 5th April 2018

Tax and finance changes for 2018

With Christmas done and dusted for another year and many of us returning to work this week, there's no better time to get clued up on the major tax and finance changes for 2018.

Most of these changes won't come into force until the start of the next financial year - on 6th April 2018 - but being aware of what's around the corner may save you tax in the coming months.

Some measures are waiting to receive Royal Assent, so here's what we know so far.

Income tax
The personal allowance will increase to £11,850 around the UK, while the higher rate threshold will rise to £46,350 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

For taxpayers in Scotland, there will be 5 income tax bands and rates for the first time.

The higher rate threshold in Scotland will rise to £44,274 - and 2 new income tax bands will also be in play. Assuming individuals are in receipt of the personal allowance, these are:

The starter rate: £11,851 to £13,850
The intermediary rate: £24,001 to £44,273.

Property taxes

Since 22nd November 2017, first-time buyers in England and Northern Ireland have been able to get on the property ladder without paying stamp duty on properties worth up to £300,000.

In response to that measure announced in Autumn Budget 2017, Wales announced it will raise its land transaction tax rate from £150,000 to £180,000 for all home buyers - but not until 1st April 2018.

And from 6th April 2018, first-time buyers in Scotland will be able to buy a property worth up to £175,000 without being liable for land and buildings transaction tax.

Corporation tax
The corporation tax rate around the UK will remain at 19% from 1st April 2018.

Enterprise investment scheme
From 6 April 2018, it will be possible to invest up to £2 million in knowledge-intensive companies under the enterprise investment scheme.

A knowledge-intensive company is classed as a smaller, innovative business carrying out R&D and other activities to develop intellectual property for its own purposes.

The current VAT thresholds remain unchanged until 31 March 2020.

Therefore, a business must be VAT-registered when their taxable turnover in the last 12 months exceeds £85,000 or is expected to exceed £85,000 in the next 30 days.

An individual can apply to de-register for VAT if taxable turnover drops below £83,000 in the last 12 months.

Capital gains
If your company makes a capital gain on or after 1st January 2018, the indexation allowance that determines the chargeable gain will be calculated up to December 2017.

For 2018/19, the capital gains tax allowance will rise to £11,700.

Inheritance tax
The inheritance tax (IHT) threshold (£325,000) and various rates remain unchanged for 2018/19. However, the residence nil-rate band increases to £125,000 from 6th April 2018.

This can be added to the basic IHT threshold (giving a combined total of £450,000) if the person and their estate meet the qualifying conditions - and can be doubled for married couples.

The annual ISA limit stays at £20,000 for the next financial year, although the junior ISA threshold will increase to £4,260 from 6th April 2018.

We can help you plan your finances and help minimise your tax liabilities. Contact us on 0113 202 9529, or e-mail
Please also visit our website on

Monday, 12 December 2016

Welcome to Pension & Investment Partners LLP

A Certain Financial Future

At Pension & Investment Partners LLP we believe great planning is at the heart of creating a more certain financial future for our clients. You are the focus of our business. You, your family, your business, your future.

This is a journey that starts with listening.  We listen to your needs, your hopes, your dreams, and we create your plan. This enables us to offer you clear, jargon free advice on the most appropriate financial solutions for your peace of mind. This is why we believe many of our clients have built long term relationships with us.

Qualified Advisers and Administrators

Our team of qualified advisers and administrators has access to the latest technology to ensure our solutions meet your needs now and into the future. ​Click to find out how we work with you.

If you’d like to call us and discuss your financial situation and requirements please use the Click to call which will connect you for free. You can also send your enquiry through our email form on our Contact Us page and we’ll respond as soon as we can.